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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

just a quick update, incase anybody cares(i dont LOL)

late last night, Korey & David took my truck, the neighbor's trailer and some major cash and drove to the beach to bail Doug's car out of impound. it took us an hour to convince the impound cop that Doug was away with Army training and WE would be retrieving the car for him. we did all that before leaving, of course. the guy still called Doug, glad he had his phone. the boys kept in touch with me throughout.. ok.. until i fell asleep sitting up...and returned safely some time after 1am. the car is officially FOR SALE and he already has a buyer. GOOD BYE Toyota Celica GT race car thingy. its been real. Hats off!
4 weeks from today, Jenny & Konor will be packing, cleaning out Kristin's room, putting her things back in order and moving out. they havent found a place, nor have they saved more than 100$ total. I give up.
Doug is safely planted at Ft Devens and wrote me a very nice text last night, aplogizing for his attitude and reckless behavior, promising to change and even said "i forgot how much i love being in the Army". he NEEDS and thrives on the structured environment that the military offers(demands), but he forgets that fact once hes away for a while. i so wish i'd pushed him to go active Army, instead of enlisting with the national guard when he was barely 17. the part time thing just is NOT enough for him. he is so successful when he's with the Army long term, its been such an amazing transformation, yet... its so sporadic, atleast until *Band Camp. we just need to get through the next 4-4 1/2 mos. no car, no license, likely no job.... OY. as long as hes respectful & CALM, i can deal. we'll get through it.
not much going on today, im spending LOTS of time at the Y, my big physical is TOMORROW. we are doing Cobra for insurance, only 350$ a month because of some Obama thing. no idea. (instead of 1000$ a month!) also, our mortgage is down to $1300.00 a month-from $2500.00! the new mortgage company looked over our stuff and thats what they want, for atleast another 6 months. WE CAN BREATHE!!!!! im so psyched. long story.
its getting chaotic here, i betta fly. have a great day!

1 comment:

Mothering4Money said...

I was gonna say "I'm so jealous" because our COBRA is $1300 a month but then I saw your house payment and decided I'd shut up. Ours is only $450. Hey, it's like we pay the same thing but switched what for. LOL

Soooo glad Doug is at least stable and not suicidal. Yay!