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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

pimps, pot pipes & other paraphernalia

look what Kendyl found on the trampoline! can you say ALL DONE PLAYING NICE?????


Last Mom said...

I wouldn't have know what that is if you hadn't put it in your title! Eek! Interested to read the next installment.

Anonymous said...

Well. It's very pretty, anyway. Oy.

Erin said...

Its pretty! LOL! not that that makes it any better... being pretty it was more appealing to the ones who found it... thank god she knew to bring it to you...

Mike and Katie said...

I have no idea what that is but I'm guess you're house guests are in trouble.

Jeri said...

Geez, looks kinda like a tiny something you'd get at an adult toy store. Except it's glass and that would be weird. It is very pretty in a blown (no pun...oh hell, yes pun intended) glass kinda way. On the plus side, keep an eye out for any "young folks" suddenly getting a hankering to clean on, around or under the trampoline.

Tara - SanitySrchr said...

Jeri, I feel better knowing I wasn't the only one that thought about the adult store when I saw it. ;)

Hedged in Beauty said...

I'm sorry.

Our over 18 RAD couldn't understand why we wouldn't allow her to drive our car to the "Bong Boys" house... "Mom! Dad! These guys are SO COOL... they have so many pipes! I never knew they came in SO MANY shapes and sizes and colors!!! But don't worry, they don't smoke pot in them!"

Yeah the cause and effect reasoning part of the RAD brain is frequently quite damaged.