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Monday, March 21, 2011

things are heating up...

with my RAD son, that is. he didn't show up to serve either of the 2 detentions, so now he has 2 more, with the principal. Kendyl was thrown off a bed a week ago. Then Shawn Alan was pitched off a bed. he hurts them, then quickly sits in a chair across the room and says ARE YOU OK????????????? never anything serious, but just enjoys making them cry, so that chaos will ensue. they tell me everything. he gets so pissed when I dont flip out. He's doing this to "get me back" for taking away his cell phone. So... now he cannot be allowed in my bedroom-since he likes to throw toddlers off my high boy bed- and he cannot be left alone in any room that the 3&6 year old are in, without an adult. He now has no TV(got rid of the only TV in the main part of the house back in june), he has no computer access-cannot be trusted due to his porn addiction and stalking people on facebook- an account we knew nothing about. a kid at school set it all up and when he was caught, and the account was deleted, the kid just went home and set it up a second time. i called the school. kid was punished, but I'm sure Jack has another FB account under an assumed name (lisa marie duclos? john spam headwink?)by now. what the hell can I do about it?- no cell phone, no I Pod(more porn issues) no other media access( and, as of 10 minutes ago-no stereo. i took it since he didn't bother to serve his detentions. I can tell he's really heating up, since he's not getting his way, and he could get very violent, very soon. I'm ready. bring it.


Anonymous said...

WHOO! You are having about as much fun as we are! Can't wait to see you Wednesday so we can swap stories.


Kathy Cassel said...

Gear up. It's a hard ride. You've made it this far. Same issue with porn here. Same issue with someone setting up a facebook account because the one he had here at home is supervised. Our whole house is now set at PG 13 through a router. ONe of mine seems to be trying to turn his life around but he doesn't have serious attachment issues. One I'm just counting down the days until he turns 18 and leaves for the army (May 9!)

Unknown said...

But will the 3 and 6 year-olds be ready for the violence?

ScienceSauce said...

Hang tough, Ali! The same thing happens at my house when I turn up the heat. And I love your attitude: BRING IT :). My sentiments exactly.

scooping it up said...

You are officially entering hero land for me. Can I link to you on my blog so I can keep up to date on your amazingness?

Loved meeting your littles. You rock.